Overcoming Fear

I am absolutely delighted to publish the first guest blogpost on Flowing Rivers! This post is also extra special because it was written by my son Tommy!!!  He expressed interest in writing a blogpost and he wrote this piece in record time – much faster than it takes me to write a blogpost. It is my joy to share Tommy’s writing with you today.

Welcome to Flowing Rivers Tommy! I love you son and I am extremely proud of you. XOXOXO

About Tommy Layi-Ojo: Tommy is a 5th grade student, Hockey player, Cellist, Manchester United fan and his favorite color is red.


Hi everyone! I chose this topic because I know that we are all afraid sometimes – am I right? You might act like you’re not afraid of anything but in truth we are all afraid at one point or another. Sometimes your perspective on fear makes you think that you’re not afraid but fear can actually be a lot more than you think.

 In 1 Peter 5:7 it says that you should cast all your fears upon God because he cares about you. Other people care about you too and can help you in one way or another. Most people think of fear in terms of things like fear of heights, fear of clowns, fear of the dark, etc. However, fear can also manifest as being afraid to try new things or being nervous to ask for help. But if you let fear win, you will miss out on a lot of things. Jeremiah 29:11 says for I know the plans I have for you, plans to help you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. God wants to help you and He has a great plan for you. Don’t let fear stop you.

In life things happen and sometimes people go through experiences that make them afraid of certain things. Even people who are successful today have gone through hard things. All of us experience challenges here or there. Speaking of fear, imagine how afraid people in the US Army must be when they are going to war. They could die or they could get seriously injured, yet they go back daily and fulfill their duty to protect the citizens of the USA. Most people in the army have families to go back to, yet they remain selfless and face their fears every day.

I have given you an example of overcoming fear from a perspective of a life or death situation but what about a win or lose situation? This is for those of you who like sports like me, when you are playing hockey, football, soccer or any other sport. If you want to win, you’ve got to keep a cool head, stay calm and most of all be brave. In sports like hockey and football you will see people that are like goliath. I mean giants. You might wonder what they eat 🤣🤣🤣 but my point is that they can literally crush you. However, if you stay focused on the game and don’t back down, you will win. That’s what makes you a champion 🏅🏆. 

My point is that you won’t accomplish anything in life if you don’t overcome fear.

To conquer fear you have to be brave and don’t let negative thoughts take over. Stand and be brave – you will overcome.

Written by: Tommy Layi-Ojo

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