New You

I am staring at the calendar and wondering if today is really January 27. Where did the time go? It feels like this year just started. It looks like I just made my list for 2022 – the magical 2022 when things will be different, my big year. The days are creeping by and it dawned on me that the calendar will continue the countdown with whatever version of me that I present each day.

It is not enough to have a new year. I need a new me.

 We cannot continue to do what we have always done and expect things to be different. We need to make the necessary changes to produce the necessary results. We need to take a closer look at our daily habits and the results we have been producing.

It reminds me of what Jesus said about new wine and old wineskin.  It is such a profound and practical truth: Old wineskin cannot hold new wine.

And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.” Mark 2:22

New wine is still going through the fermentation process, and it needs to be in an environment that can expand as fermentation progresses and gasses are released. New wineskin is fresh and malleable to absorb those gasses. The shape of the new wineskin changes as the wine ages. In contrast, the old wineskin has been stretched to its maximum capacity and cannot expand to accommodate any more growth. If new wine is placed in an old wineskin, it bursts. New wine should only be poured into new wineskin.

The new me needs new habits. My old habits can no longer support me. I cannot afford to wake up late and scramble into my day. I cannot afford to tolerate things that erode my confidence. I cannot look for validation outside of God. I cannot trust my feelings to guide me. Those are old habits.

I need new habits that will support my growth this year. I need to be more consistent in creating content, I need to shun fear and make bold moves. I need to be non-negotiable and keep going. I need to stay focused and nurture the new me.

What about you? What new habits do you need for the new you in 2022?

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