Making Each Day Count

There is no typical day anymore. I used to have a schedule outlining the exact sequence of activities in a typical day. However, with social distancing, homeschool, remote work, childcare, meals and everything else that happens in a 24-hr home cycle, the days have been getting blurry.

In the midst of everything going on, I have gotten to really meet myself and re-evaluate my priorities. Time seems to fly on some days and drag on other days, yet I am determined to maximize each day.

Here are some practical things that have helped me maintain balance and make each day count. I hope you find them helpful as well.

Doing the right thing

There are days when I stare at things that need to get done and I know that if I listen to my feelings, I would not do anything. I have had to give myself more pep talks than I care to admit.

You cannot afford to let your feelings determine what gets done. You have to train yourself to focus and do the right thing at the right time irrespective of how you feel.

Plan your week

Sunday is always a great family day! I take the time to rest and unwind with my favorite people in the whole world. Sometime before the day is over, I also take the time to plan the upcoming week and write down the important tasks and activities for each day.

Establish a Daily Routine

I have discovered that if I don’t take control of my day, the day tries to control of me. I work hard to protect my first waking hour for prayers and my bible before the daily demands pile. This daily routine keeps me centered and gives me the strength to face each day.

Have goals that you are working towards

Time is passing each day. Whether you are work on achieving your goals or not, time will continue to roll by. Why don’t you make each day count by reaching for specific goals? Make it a priority to take daily steps toward those goal and you will be amazed at how fast effort cumulates. The little victories matter.

Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Psalm 90:12

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