It’s Time to Build

Just like that – today is January 18! It is clear that the days of this year are on a mission and so must we.

The truth is that we do not have time to waste this year. Success will be the result of intentional steps and building blocks carefully placed one at a time. Building is hard work and it will require consistent action.

[Tweet “What will you do with the year 2020?”]

Noah was the first builder in the bible who had a big vision from God with clear instructions on implementation. There was no way to authenticate his vision because it had never rained on earth – what is rain? Noah’s vision from God made him appear weird and delusional – yet he trusted God.

You and I need to trust God this year and stay the course. The dreams and visions from God may be unusual. The things we consider revolutionary today were once called weird – imagine proposing that a metal “car” would fly and carry humans from one place to another. That sounds totally delusional, yet today the airplane is a normal mode of transportation.


[Tweet “This year, God will be downloading blueprints in the place of intimacy. “]

Noah got very specific instructions from God about how to build the ark. There are no trivial details. God is interested in the details of our lives and if we seek His face, we will get access to His heart.

God gives the perfect blueprint.

Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it…” Psalm 127:1


The cycle is not complete until you act on what God has shown you. Noah had to execute the plan by getting the specified materials and actually following step by step instructions to build the ark.

Make a move – do something about the desire God has placed in your heart. You may have to take one step for the next step to become clear.

There will always be legitimate reasons to delay taking action but we need to push through and act anyway. Make a move.

Do it afraid and keep taking consistent steps.


Start small and make adjustments as you go. This year, do not let anything stop you from taking action. The goal is progress, not perfection.  The more steps you take, the more steady you will become.

Get that first draft done, complete the dry run, record the demo track, etc. – don’t let the fear of perfection stop you. There will be challenges and there will be mistakes, but those are part of the process. Stick with the process and keep making necessary adjustments.

[Tweet “There are priceless lessons tucked in your process – don’t miss them”]

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