I need a miracle!

Imagine the pressure of running out of drinks during a wedding reception party! Imagine the absolute chaos in the kitchen as the wedding planner and team scramble to salvage the situation. Finally, it became apparent that they was no quick fix and they needed a miracle.

When you run out of wine in life, it’s not the time to strategize, it is time to let Jesus know because only a miracle can fix the situation.

The people in your inner circle can make all the difference during the crucial seasons of your life. Mary knew about the problem and she took it to Jesus. Do you have a Mary in your life who has access to Jesus? I understand that we all want to protect our privacy but you need to let Mary know that you are out of wine and she will go get Jesus. Don’t suffer in silence.

OBEDIENCE – Whatever He says to you, do it.

What are the things in your life that God can use? What’s in your hand? Jesus looked around the venue and saw 6 water pots of stone: strong, consistent – just waiting to be used. Those pots became carriers of the miracle.

Jesus instructed the Servants to fill the water pots with water and I am sure they were thinking “What?!” even if they didn’t say anything. When Mary instructed them to do whatever Jesus said, they were probably prepared to run an errand to get wine, or something! Not to fill water pots with water. Yet they filled the water pots to the brim – they could have thrown some water in to fulfill all righteousness in a lackadaisical way, but they gave the seemingly ridiculous instruction their all – that is the definition of EXCELLENCE.

What is your attitude towards instructions? Especially when the instruction doesn’t match up with your expectation?

The miracle is dependent on your obedience and the measure is determined by your excellence

BE CONFIDENT – Pour your water like wine

After filling the water pots to the brim, the Servants were probably expecting to witness magic. However, Jesus did not even touch the water. He simply instructed them to draw some “water” and take it to the master of the feast.

In obedience, the servants drew the water in a pitcher and walked to the head of the feast with a sinking feeling. Then they poured the water like wine! It takes real faith to serve water like wine.

Some of you have obeyed God and the last instruction is to serve the water but you are holding the cup frozen midway because you think it’s still water – NO it’s now wine.

Between the pot of water and the cup of the master, the water turned to wine. God will always back up His word.


When the servants served the water-wine, they held their breaths waiting for the verdict: Absolute embarrassment or an unprecedented miracle. The master of the feast pronounced the wine the best and was kidding the groom (who probably had no idea of all the drama).

Saved the best till now? He just drank water!

The servants didn’t announce that they knew the source of the wine. God will turn things around right in front of your eyes. Simply trust God

A consistent relationship with the Holy Spirit will sustain the miracle in your life.

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