A Look In The Mirror

Welcome to 2021!

I saw 2021 written as 202WON (Twenty Twenty Won) and I love it!

The year 2020 was challenging worldwide with the COVID-19 pandemic and many people did not have the opportunity to see this new year. We made it because God kept us – Thank you Jesus!


The year 2020 held up a mirror to my priorities and it became crystal clear that most of the things that I thought were important are not important at all. I have been counting my blessings and many things that I would have overlooked have made it on to my list. I am not taking anything for granted anymore.

Pressure reveals what we are really made of. When you squeeze an orange, you get orange juice. When you squeeze pineapple, you get pineapple. What came out of you when the pressure was on in 2020? Do  you like what you saw in the mirror of 2020? What areas need improvement?


Now we are in the new year and things could continue the same way or you could choose to make it a beautiful new beginning. The new year that began on January 1st is a dateline but the new you is a choice.

As for me, I am determined to be consistent this year. There are things I have been waiting for the right time to do – I choose to do them now. This is the right time. I will be writing that book this year, I will be taking that class this year, I will be blogging more frequently this year and I will be intentional about nurturing healthy relationships.

You know the important choices you need to make. Decide to make 2021 the year that you take consistent action … step by step.

The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his way.  Psalm 37:23

Happy New Year!

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